An informed public must have confidence that it's police department honestly and fairly investigates and adjudicates all allegations of misconduct against its employees. Law enforcement, by nature, is often an unpleasant business. Police Officers deal with many dangerous and desperate criminals in a climate of negativity, animosity and resentment of their presence. However, the stories of major crimes, arrests, and related incidents usually covered in the news media represent only a part of the service that officers of the Pemberton Township Police Department provide for the residents of Pemberton Township every day. Much more often, Police Officers interact with the public in a productive and helpful service, where their professionalism, courtesy, and courage are always appreciated and valued.
The Pemberton Township Police Department recognizes that mistakes may be made and the actions of our officers may fall short of expectancy. The Department has established rules and regulations and standard operating procedures governing the professional and personal conduct of employees and acceptable work performance standards.
It is the policy of the Pemberton Township Police Department to accept and investigate all complaints of alleged misconduct or wrongdoing from any citizen, agency employee, or any other sources, including anonymous sources. Following a thorough and impartial examination of the available factual information, the employee shall be either exonerated or held responsible for the alleged misconduct. Discipline shall be administered according to the degree of the the misconduct. Disciplinary action in all matters will be determined based upon the merits of each case. Police Officers conducting the investigation of any allegation of misconduct must strive to conduct a thorough and objective investigation without violating the rights of the subject employee or any other law enforcement officer, and show proper respect to all members of the public.
As a citizen, you are encouraged to contact the Police Department if you have a complaint about the actions of a Police Officer or non-sworn employee if you believe their conduct was inappropriate or that they have violated the law. The Internal Affairs Unit can answer questions about actions of officers, initiate a complaint against an officer and conduct investigations of police conduct. Although we encourage citizens to report police misconduct, complaints must be made in good faith. False or highly exaggerated complaints serve no good purpose for either the citizen or the officer and only thwart our complaint-taking process. NJS 2C:28-3 Unsworn Falsification to Authorities states, "A person commits a crime of the fourth degree if he makes a written false statement which he does not believe to be true, on or pursuant to a form bearing notice, authorized by law, to the affect that false statements made therein are punishable." Those who provide false information to members of the Internal Affairs Unit, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Any person, to include third party and anonymous persons, with a complaint concerning a Pemberton Township Police Officer or non-sworn employee may contact the Pemberton Township Internal Affairs Unit by any of the methods listed above. Compliments are also welcomed. Please use the Officer Compliment Form found here.