Clean Community Dates for 2019
March 30 -- Presidential Lakes
April 27 -- Country Lakes
May 18 -- Browns Mills
September 21 -- Country Lakes
October 12 -- Presidential Lakes
November 2 -- Browns Mills
All clean ups are 8 AM - 12 PM
and include light refreshments.
The mission of the Clean Communities Awareness and Recycling Committee is to nuture community pride and spirit through public participation and awareness in maintaining a beautiful Pemberton Township. Keeping Pemberton Township litter and graffiti free and by protecting our cedar lakes, pine and oak forests, public spaces and property values from unslightly debris that can be recycled.
Chairperson: Ken Catalano
Contact Ken: 609.893.6550 or via email or for information regarding mini-grants, contact Public Works at 609.894.7968 500 Pemberton-Browns Mills Road, Pemberton, NJ 08068