Business Administrator
Phone: 609.894.3303
Assistant to the Business Administrator
Phone: 609.894.3304
Facismile: 609.894.2703
Departmental Responsibilities
The Business Administrator is directly responsible to the Mayor for management of the Department of Administration and is specifically assigned to:
=Administer personnel programs for the Township
=Assist the Mayor in preparing the annual budget and capital improvement program to be submitted to the Township Council
=Administer a centralized purchasing system and provide a continual review and analysis of the budget and costs of municipal services
=Supervise, under the direction of the Mayor, the administration of the municipal departments and prescribe rules and procedures for efficient and effective operation of the departments
=Supervise and monitor capital projects including roads, drainage, sidewalks and curbs
Department Of Administration
500 Pemberton-Browns Mills Rd., Pemberton, NJ 08068
Photo credits: Tom Walker, Donovan Gardner
All content Copyright ©1998-2017 Township of Pemberton.
Information is considered reliable, but not guaranteed. May not be used without permission.
Township of Pemberton
500 Pemberton-Browns Mills Rd.
Pemberton, NJ 08068